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The Build-M Robotics Kit

One-stop solution for learning Robotics and Electronics.

Designed for schools.

We are here to train students in Robotics !

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We are an educational robotics company that sets up robotics STEM labs in schools. Our product - Build-M Robotics kit is modular, magnetic, easy to use, plug and play.


The Build-M kit features quick assembly, step-by-step video guides, and an online teaching portal. 


Build-M Robotics Kit facilitates schools to quickly get started with Robotics teaching without the need of setting-up any equipment in the laboratory.


Why choose Build-M Robotics Kit?

Explore the Future of Robotics Education with Build-M

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Plug and Play Simplicity

Say goodbye to the hassles of complex wiring and intricate configurations. With Build-M you'll focus on the creative aspects of robotics.

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Magnetic Magic

Experience the magic of magnetic connections - making assembly and disassembly at a breeze. You won't lose parts again!

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Online Learning Portal

Our Online Learning Portal will immerse students in the captivating world of robotics. Tailored for school programs with interactive lessons, coding challenges, and hands-on projects. 

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Empowering Educators

Build-M Kit serves as an invaluable tool for bringing STEM concepts to life. Foster a passion for robotics and technology in your students with a hands-on, interactive approach to learning.

What we offer ?

Build-M Set is a series of 3 level set 



Number Projects - 50 +

Number of Experiments - 100 +



Number Projects - 150 +

Number of Experiments - 150 +


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Number Projects - 250 +

Number of Experiments - 300 +

Features of Build-M

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Easy to use

No Soldering Required


Free training to teachers

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Quick Assembly

Playful Learning


Project Models

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Step by Step Video Tutorials

Plug and Play

Online Learning Portal


What People Say

"Our students loved the robotics program from Shrividya Robotics. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, and the Build-M Robotics kit was the perfect tool for introducing our students to the world of robotics."

Nila Kale, Principal, Shrividya Primary School

"The robotics program from Shrividya Robotics was a huge success. The instructors were excellent, and the hands-on learning approach was a hit."

Nachiket Bhoomkar,


"The Build-M Robotics kit from Shrividya Robotics is the perfect tool for introducing students to robotics. It is easy to use, and the step-by-step video guides make it easy for students to get started."

Gargi Deshpande, Founder of

Ubantu Kids

Get ready to inspire your students with our innovative robotics programs. Contact us today to learn more.


Contact Us

Customer Care:

Manufactured and Marketed At:

Plot No. 156, Ulkanagari,

Garkheda, Chh. Sambhajinagar,

MH 431 009

General Inquiries:
+91 9834502062

+91 8149298868

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